孫亞柏 Jakub Zamorski

波瀾亞捷隆大學 哲學學院 文明比較研究中心 助理教授


研究方向: 東亞佛教思想史,佛教哲學; 研究主題: 漢傳與日本佛教中的淨土思想 (以其近世/近代變遷為主)、 因明、因明學在東亞的發展、東亞佛教的語言觀



博士論文題目: 「行在淨土,解在唯識: 近代東亞佛教的解神話詮釋學」 (2016)


(2019) An Old Savior in a New Paradise: Buddha Amitābha in Tang Dayuan’s ‘New Pure Land’. Journal of Chinese Buddhist Studies 32, pp. 97-125

(2019) On Chinese Interpretations of the Distinction Between Two Types of Negation in Indian Buddhist Logic. Wiener Zeitschrift für die Kunde Südasiens 56-57 (2015-2018), pp. 199-226

(2019) Sanskrit Grammar in Early Modern East Asia – A Study of Kiben’s ‘Guidelines for Studying the Eight Cases of the Chinese Language’. Fo Guang Journal of Buddhist Studies 佛光學報 vol.5, no.1, pp. 267-306

(2017) A Controversy over ‘Critical Buddhism’ in Republican China : Reconsidering Tang Dayuan’s Defense of The Awakening of Faith. In ‘Daijō kishinron’ to shutaisei : kindai higashi Ajia tetsugaku no keisei soshite ronsō 『大乗起信論』と主体性:近代東アジア哲学の形成そして論争, edited by Ishii Tsuyoshi. Tokyo : The University of Tokyo Center for Philosophy, pp. 143–174

(2014) The Problem of Self-Refuting Statements in Chinese Buddhist Logic”. In A Distant Mirror: Articulating Indic Ideas in SixthSeventh Century Chinese Buddhism, edited by Lin Chen-kuo and Michael Radich. Hamburg: Universtität Hamburg Zentrum für Buddhismuskunde, pp. 149-181