Wonhyo's Thought and Its Contemporary Application to Higher Education in Korea: A "Hwajaeng" Type Man of Talent"

Date:Oct 21, 2020
Venue:政大哲學系圖書室(ROOM 330222)
Speaker:Dr. Taesoo Kim 金泰洙博士(政治大學佛教哲學研究中心博士後研究員)


A Korean monk, Wonhyo (元曉, 617∼686) is widely known for synthesizing the various Buddhist schools during the three Kingdoms period into a unique system of thought called ‘hwajaeng (Harmonizing the doctrinal disputes).’ Since then, this thought has not only influenced on various East Asian Buddhist genii, but also made an enormous impact on Korean moral education.

With this point in mind, this lecture outlines the historical background and basic ideas of Wonhyo's thought with hwajaeng in focus, and reads through several discourses shown in Ten Approaches to Harmonizing the Doctrinal Disputes (Sipmun-hwajgaenglon) and some other works. Focus will be given to Wonhyo's way of interpreting and reconciling the arguments between the conflicting views, such as those of the existence and non-existence of Buddha-nature.

Lastly, I would like to introduce how this line of thought reflects the present Korean education curriculum from the early period to higher education.

講者(Speaker):Dr. Taesoo Kim 金泰洙博士(政治大學佛教哲學研究中心博士後研究員)

日期(Date):Wed, 21 OCT 2020, 2-4pm

地點(Venue):政大哲學系圖書室(ROOM 330222)

※講者會以英文演講,不過聽眾提問時可用中文。The speech will be in English.

